Silent films
Cooperation with Landeszentrale für politische Bildung
Cooperation with Altonaer Museum
cinefest Encore
Matinee at Queer Film Festival Hamburg
Opening gala: 18 November 2017 with guests.
During the opening ceremony, Senator Dr. Carsten Brosda will award CineGraph founder Hans-Michael Bock with the Senator-Biermann-Ratjen-Medaille.
On 22 November 2017 is the coneference opening with presentation of the Reinhold Schünzel Award to Lenny Borger (Filmhistorian and curator, Paris) and the Willy Haas-Preise.
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Saturday, 25 November, 17:00h:
D 1916. Dir.: Richard Oswald. ca. 70 min. Stumm
Musical accompaniment: Marie-Luise Bolte
Sunday, 26 November, 17:00h:
AT 1929. Dir.: Hans Brückner. ca. 60 min. Stumm
Musical accompaniment: Duo WeberWendt
Monday, 20 November, 17:00h:
D 1929/30. Dir.: Hans Tintner. 82 min.
The film was shot as a silent film, and later some music and sounds were added.
am Donnerstag, 23.11., 17:00 Uhr:
D 1922.
Dir.: Manfred Noa. 123 min. Stumm
Music: Joachim Bärenz
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Wednesday, 22 November,
DDR/BRD 1988/89. Dir.: Rainer Simon.
With Jan Josef Liefers, Luis Miguel Campos, Olivier Pascalin, Monika Lennartz
Guest: Rainer Simon
in cooperation with
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Zwischen Revolution und Restauration
Exhibition accompanying cinefest
13 November - 13 Dezember
at Zentralbibliothek der Öffentlichen Bücherhallen Hamburg
Arno-Schmidt-Platz, 20097 Hamburg
The forums will take place on 20 + 22 November, from 2-4 pm the Zentralbibliothek of Bücherhallen Hamburg (Hühnerposten 1 (Entrance Arno-Schmidt-Platz, 20097 Hamburg).
There is no admission fee, but due to limited space we kindly ask to register in advance:
info(at), Tel.: +49-40-18884568
Monday, 20 November, 14-16:
Auf Tuchfühlung
Das Filmkostüm – Vom Entwurf bis ins Museum
Wednesday, 22 November, 14-16:
Grenzenlose Aussichten?
Ausweitung der Mediatheken und Urheberrecht
With generous support of
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The 30th International Film History Conference takes place from 23 - 25 November, at Gästehaus der Universität
For attendance a registration is necessary.
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Museumsstr. 23, 22765 Hamburg
Tel.: + 49(0)40-4281350
Sunday, 19 November 2017, 11:00
Der Traum von der Freiheit. Die Deutsche Revolution von 1848/49
D 1997. Dir.: Jürgen Stumpfhaus. 90 min.
With Otto Sander, Felix von Manteuffel, Peter Schell
Sunday, 26 November 2017, 11 Uhr
Caspar David Friedrich - Grenzen der Zeit
FDR 1985/86. Dir.: Peter Schamoni. 84 min.
With Otto Sander, Sabine Sinjen, Hans Peter Hallwachs, Helmut Griem
Costs: 1,50 € in addition the museums entrance fee
The films are part of the accompanying program of the exhibition Melbye. Maler des Meeres (20 September 2017 - 4 February 2018)
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Gaußstraße 25, 22765 Hamburg
Tel.: +49-(0)40-3907603
20:00 A film evening with Heinrich Heine
Heinrich Heine
FDR 1969/70. Dir.: Herbert Seggelke. 40 min. Dokumenation
Denk ich an Deutschland in der Nacht. Das Leben des Heinrich Heine
D 2005/06. Dir.: Gordian Maugg. 60 min
With Rüdiger Vogler, Fabian Busch, Katharina Wackernagel, Michael Mendl, Anna Brüggemann
Barry Lyndon
GB 1973-75. Dir.: Stanley Kubrick. 187 min. OmU
With Ryan O'Neal, Marisa Berenson, Patrick Magee, Hardy Krüger
Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage Hamburg
On 22 Oktober at 11 am cinefest presents the film SCHWARZER JÄGER JOHANNA (D 1934, Johannes Meyer) with Marianne Hoppe und Gustav Gründgens at Metropolis cinema. more Informationen
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